Academy student in the Engineering Pathway follow a curriculum designed by Project Lead The Way (PLTW). Three course are offered, and must be taken sequentially:
Introduction to Engineering (IED) – Year 1:

Students learn the principles of engineering design, technical drawing, and the basics of industrial design using 3D modeling software.
Principles of Engineering (POE) – Year 2:

Students explore a broad range of hands-on engineering topics, including mechanisms, circuits, the strength of structures and materials, and automation. Students develop skills in problem solving, research, and design while documenting, collaborating, and presenting.
Aerospace Engineering (AE) – Year 3:

Students learn the fundamentals of atmospheric and space flight. As they explore the physics of flight, students bring the concepts to life by creating airfoils and gliders, practicing flight simulation, and designing rockets. They learn basic orbital mechanics and explore robot systems through projects such as remotely operated vehicles.